10 Everyday Signs of Alcoholism

a glass of alcohol

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that causes a distinct physical desire to consume alcohol. People suffering from this condition have no capacity to control their compulsion, and it defies all rules of logic and common sense.

Alcoholism has extensive physical, psychological, and social consequences, but sometimes it can go years without being detected if loved ones don’t recognize the subtle signs of addiction. If you know someone exhibiting all or many of these symptoms, he or she may need help with alcohol addiction.

1. Drinking Every Day

If a person is finding excuses to drink on an everyday basis, this usually means that he or she is avoiding being sober.

2. Drinking Alone

As alcohol use increases, a person needs to consume more to get the same pleasurable effect. Therefore, it becomes common for people suffering from alcoholism to drink alone. They may also drink before or after social events to be at the same level of intoxication as their friends.

3. Withdrawal Symptoms

If someone is alcohol-dependent, withdrawal symptoms will start to occur within just a few hours after his or her last drink. These include sweating, shaking or trembling, flushed face, blotchy skin, and nausea. He or she also might start to become very irritable, especially if alcohol is not immediately available once these symptoms start to be exhibited.

4. Stashing Alcohol

Usually, a person suffering from alcoholism will need to be able to drink whenever his or her withdrawal symptoms start to flare up. Often this will require hiding alcohol in random places, such as bathroom cabinets, top shelves, garages, closets, clothes, bags, suitcases, in a car, or at work.

5. Drinking at Inappropriate Times

Drinking early in the morning, especially right after waking up, is a definite sign of someone having an alcohol problem. Drinking large amounts at lunch or early afternoon can also be a warning sign.

6. Frequent Mood Swings

Alcohol use and withdrawal greatly influence a person’s mood and the way he or she thinks. Intense rage, sudden outbursts, depression, and sadness are common.

7. Memory Loss

Blacking out or lacking memory of periods of time is common for someone who spends most of his or her time under the influence of alcohol.

8. Increased Isolation

As a person becomes more dependent on alcohol, he or she tends to ignore other aspects of life. This may include avoiding friends and relatives or refusing to attend social gatherings. A person suffering from alcoholism may also start to lose interest in activities or hobbies that used to bring great enjoyment.

9. External Problems Caused by Drinking

Drinking alcohol in dangerous situations, such as while driving, can lead to problems with the law. Other problems like family, relationships, work, or financial might also arise due to excessive alcohol use.

10. Denying There Is a Problem

Despite exhibiting obvious signs of distress, many people suffering from alcoholism will refuse to acknowledge that anything is wrong with them or their behavior. They will probably get offended whenever someone tries to confront them about it or attempt to help them with their disease.

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