Obtaining Your Massage Therapy Certification

a massage therapist works on a client's back

Massage therapy can help people heal from physical discomfort, as well as emotional and psychological pain. Those interested in making a career out of massage therapy will need to obtain the appropriate certification and licensure.

Attend Massage Therapy School

Each state has different requirements for massage therapy. Generally, to obtain licensure for massage therapy you must complete a training program before applying for licensure. The state board must approve of the massage therapy program for it to be recognized. Several schools offer online and on-campus massage therapy classes and most require the student to perform 500 to 600 hours of work. In some states, a potential massage therapist must complete an additional two-hour course on medical error prevention before applying for a massage therapy license.

Taking the Licensure Exam

After completing formal massage therapy training, you will need to take a test to determine if you are eligible for licensure. Every state has different requirements for test results. The state of Florida recognizes four different tests for massage therapy licensure. However, the most reputable exam in Florida is the NCBTMB, (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork).The NCBTMB exam online every day of the week, except for Sundays.

Applying for Licensure

After passing the test for licensure, you need to request your license. The applicant must complete a full application and send it to the Board of Massage Therapy along with the application fee. In Florida, the application fee is $205. Several documents need to be included with the completed application, including proof the applicant has graduated from massage therapy school, passed the medical error course and the licensure exam, and also a recent photo of the applicant for the license if the Board approves the application. Once you’ve obtained the license, then you can begin the journey of finding gainful employment.

Finding a Job

Several resources are available to help you find work as a massage therapist. Massage associations and local job websites can immensely help you find opportunities for employment. Additionally, your state’s unemployment office will have resources you can use to obtain information on open jobs in the field.

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