Online Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance is a specialized form of auto coverage. The statistics for accidents, seriousness of injuries, and severity of property damage is somewhat different than for automobiles and trucks. However, insurance providers use this information in the same way and for the same purpose, namely to place a driver in a risk category.
Shopping online for the best deal on motorcycle insurance coverage allows you to compare rates. You can also see if the provider is offering additional services, or choose whether to add this insurance to an existing policy. Most of the major auto insurance providers offer motorcycle liability and collision insurance. However, a large percentage of motorcycle enthusiasts are unaware of the extent of the coverage. When these facts are revealed, it makes it easier to choose from the offers extended by providers.
Types Of Models Covered
Motorcycle insurance policies cover almost any model of motorcycle. This includes models that are custom-built or have the inclusion of after-market parts. It also covers antiques and models built from kits. In addition, you can get a policy to cover off-road vehicles such as golf carts and personal watercraft.
Special Coverage Inclusions
Many providers of motorcycle insurance will offer roadside assistance as well as coverage for belongings that are damaged in an accident. When shopping online for a policy, check to see of the coverage includes towing expenses. Inclusions can also feature trip interruption allowances (such as hotel stays) and rental insurance for when you plan on renting a bike from a non-local dealer.
Expensive Biking Gear
If an accident damages your jacket, boots, helmet, or riding gloves, only insurance with special inclusions added to the policy will cover their monetary loss. Most providers have a specific add-on feature that covers any equipment you carry with you while operating your motorcycle.
Liability Minimums
This is required by law in most every state and jurisdiction. When you shop online for insurance, the forms you fill out will ask about where you live and adjust the minimum required liability insurance coverage accordingly. When financing a new bike, the lender will likely require a minimum amount of collision protection as preventative collateral.
Shopping Online For Motorcycle Insurance
You can see policy rate differences by using a comparison shopping site. Most of these have an easy-to-navigate page that will direct you to the motorcycle coverage section. It is very important that you fill in the form with the exact make and model of motorcycle, its engine size, and any optional safety features the model includes.
The actual rates you get in an online quote will depend on this information as well as where you live, whether you have current coverage, your age, and your accident history. Insurance companies access a national database to verify personal information, so remember to keep your answers honest.
Your final insurance quote may also depend on whether you are combining this coverage with insurance you already have. Homeowners and those who maintain an active auto insurance policy are likely to get a substantial discount.