3 Steps for Registering a Domain Name

Buying a domain name can be perfect for a small business or anyone who wants to set up a website. Whether you plan to use it as an email or build a site, you need to purchase the domain name you want. If you aren’t sure how to register your domain name, here are three easy steps anyone can follow.
1. Confirm the Name is Available
There are many popular websites that can help you find your domain name under various top-level domain extensions — the most popular extension is “.com”. Some other popular top-level domain options include “.org”, “.biz”, and “.net”. All of these domain extensions allow you to keep your desired domain name without compromising anything other than the end.
2. Rent Your Domain
After you’ve picked a name, you need to discover if your site is available. You can do this by visiting a domain hosting website like GoDaddy. These sites allow you to search and find if your desired domain is available — you’ll see many options based on the type of domain extension you want and the price.
GoDaddy, in particular, allows you to rent domains in yearly increments. After a year, you can renew your ownership or choose to release the domain. If you know you need your domain long term, you can rent from GoDaddy for a maximum of 10 years. Each website allows you to lease a domain for a limited amount of time, so it’s important to know how long you’ll have your domain.
3. Finalize Your Domain Name
Once you find a domain that’s clear for rental, you can finalize your domain. This step is when you choose how long you want to rent it and pay for your choice. After you pay, you own that domain for a specific period of time and you can do what you want with it. Many people choose to create a website. But remember, when you pay for a domain, you don’t automatically have a website. Keep in mind it’s important to read the terms and conditions of your web hosting service, so you know what is and isn’t allowed.